Silicon Valley SEO Web design

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Web Development Classroom

Welcome to the BayWM Web development online classroom.


Let’s learn how to build great websites here, for your business, or just for your hobby that may bring your more income or just joy and friendship.

Building a pretty or flashy website is not enough for your business needs; we need to build sites that attract more visitors or targeted audience so that you can have more leads for your business. I found that many website owners set the website appearance as priority and consider SEO and usability and usefulness as less important in their mind.  We may cover these topics in some of our online lessons or video tutorials.

Our focus:  jQuery, Ajax, HTMl5 and CSS3 have been put into more and more use.  PHP and mySQL, and the most popular CMS  WordPress are also very hot around the world. So that is what we are going to cover.

Our Location

Our office is located in Silicon Valley San Francisco Bay Area, CA
San Jose Tel:408-676-8736 (8SEO)
San Francisco Tel:(415) 322-8799
Dublin Tel::(925)335-6728
Call today for your free appointment to talk about your business.
