Work At Home
Making money at home or work from home is the dream for many people, especially for those who need to take care of kids.
For many users of Witmart, it is not a dream any more. The Witmart is not many of us often have seen “make money at home” schemes, it is platform to bridge crowdsourcing businesses and talented people (freelancers or professionals who have extra time to use for extra money.)  Witmart partners up with the biggest crowdsourcing success website Zhubajia (猪八戒) and let English-speakers get this opportunity to work more efficiently. Ready to start?
Click this Link: Here to make money from home:
What is Crowdsourcing?
Crowdsourcing starts with decentralization, by sourcing tasks traditionally performed by specific individuals to a group of people or community (crowd) through an open call. In this way it is different from sites such as Stack Overflow, Twitter or Facebook, which do not have open call for contributions.
Jeff Howe established that the concept of crowdsourcing depends essentially on the fact that because it is an open call to a group of people, it gathers those who are most fit to perform tasks, solve complex problems and contribute with the most relevant and fresh ideas.
You can now work for big companies (many of them) who use crowdsourcing from home at the same time.